Unfortunately, using if function dbconvert leads to crash of my
application. At this time I can't figure out the reason.
I use similar code to transform datatypes fetched from the server. For
UniqueIdentifier it looks like:
int dataLength = dbdatlen( mpConn, i + 1 );
int dataLength = dbdatlen( conn, colIndex );
BYTE* msData = dbdata( conn, colIndex );
if( msData == NULL )
switch( fldDataType )
case UniqueIdentifier :
if( !dbwillconvert( 36, SYBCHAR ) )
BYTE* charData = new BYTE[ dataLength ];
dbconvert( conn, 36, msData, dataLength, SYBCHAR,
charData, ( DBINT ) -1 );
AddValue( MyString( ( char *) charData ) );
delete [] charData;
If I comment this pice of code the app works fine. In other case it crashes
on processing large amount of data.
Post by Velichko YuriyPlease accept my apologies for the silly question. I was confused the lack
of a macro for this data type in the documentation and I thought that it
is not supported.
dbconvert - performs converting properly.
Post by Frediano ZiglioDid you try dbconvert ??
Post by Velichko YuriyI found the SQL solution for this issue: CAST or CONVERT functions.
But question still valid - is there a way to convert data by the freetds
lib API?
On 22 January 2014 12:13, Velichko Yuriy <velichko.yuriy at gmail.com>
Post by Velichko YuriyHello!
Point me please how to proper fetch data from uniqueidentifier field.
The function
returns 36 for this datatype. How I can convert the data of such type
Post by Velichko YuriyPost by Velichko Yuriythe string representation?
I found the similar question but can't to find the answer.
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