[freetds] NTLM buffer length insufficient
2013-12-09 10:02:58 UTC

The default NTLM buffer length, as defined in tds/sspi.c (NTLMBUF_LEN = 4096) is insufficient in my environment. The token returned is 7566 bytes long. As a result, the call to InitializeSecurityContext() in tds_sspi_get_auth() returns SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY.

I have recompiled with a larger buffer size (16384) and tds_sspi_get_auth() now works.

I wonder if this is the right way to fix this - should people adjust the buffer length as needed and rebuild? Or should the default be increased in the trunk?



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Frediano Ziglio
2013-12-16 14:25:16 UTC
Post by samuel.ferencik
The default NTLM buffer length, as defined in tds/sspi.c (NTLMBUF_LEN = 4096) is insufficient in my environment. The token returned is 7566 bytes long. As a result, the call to InitializeSecurityContext() in tds_sspi_get_auth() returns SEC_E_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY.
I have recompiled with a larger buffer size (16384) and tds_sspi_get_auth() now works.
I wonder if this is the right way to fix this - should people adjust the buffer length as needed and rebuild? Or should the default be increased in the trunk?
I don't see any problem with the patch. Perhaps we could use a
parameter to let InitializeSecurityContext allocate memory for you but
I have to test it.

